Mini Bernese Mountain Dog Puppies for Sale

Adopt An Available Bernalier
from Crockett Pups

Refundable, Flexible Deposit

Unique to Crockett Pups Network

Healthy, Happy Puppies

Health Guarantee & Genetic Testing

Trusted & Reputable Breeder

A+ BBB Rating & Google Reviews

Family-Raised Mini Bernese

Healthier & Better Socialized Puppies

We have several beautiful litters of Mini Bernesee puppies for sale this year. Availability is, of course, limited and requires application approval and a deposit of $300.

Mini Bernese Puppies for Sale from Crockett Pups

If you’re interested in adopting a Bernalier puppy from us, please click one of the litters below for more information — and be sure to Apply!

We have occasional litters of Bernalier pups throughout the year and we offer these puppies to qualified families who have applied, been approved, and have placed a deposit with us.

We match puppies on a first-come, first-served basis. To reserve your puppy, a $300 deposit is required prior to an official confirmation from us that you are matched with that puppy. If you have already placed a deposit with us, your deposit can be applied to this adoption.

Delivery Fee: We will deliver your puppy to anywhere in the Continental U.S. for a flat rate based on delivery region. If you choose to adopt more than one puppy from us, an extra delivery charge of $200 will be applied for each additional puppy.

Your Puppy’s Microchip

All of our Bernaliers go home with a microchip – a brand new, unregistered chip that you can register with the company of your choice. Your vet may have a suggestion for which company to use, or you may want to use a company that many of our Partner Homes use: National Microchip Registry at

Enter promo code “CP” at checkout for a $5 discount!

Your puppy’s microchip number is located in your Adoption Day folder paperwork.

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